Lindberg Eyewear

Lindberg Eyewear

Lindberg EyewearLINDBERG EYEWEAR – A Danish business led by Henrik Lindberg, who co-founded the company with his father in 1980s.

Henrik Lindberg, graduated as an Architect in 1984 and started to work in that profession. 

Around the same time, his father, who was an optometrist, had been working on an idea of creating his first glasses.

Together, the mindset of an Architecture and Optometrist, they have designed, created and perfected their first LINDBERG eyewear – AIR Titanium.
Air Titanium
His thoughts.

“We believe that good design, beautiful shapes, and well considered quality materials make a key difference to our quality of life.”

“Every LINDBERG design is a determined statement about aesthetics, technical innovation and impeccable craftsmanship.”

Visit C U Vision Optometrists to see our LINDBERG Collection.